PRISM Parent Development Seminars

Released on = September 27, 2006, 1:50 pm

Press Release Author = Dore E. Frances, Founder of Horizon Family Solutions, LLC

Industry = Education

Press Release Summary = New Parent Seminar Series - If you Always Do What You Have
Always Done ~ You Will Always Get What You Have Always Got!

Press Release Body = Here is the five part seminar parenting program that many of
you requested. It is set up as a five part program and is structured that way so
that you may receive the most information at one time without being too overwhelmed.

Part One
Consisting of:

* The Principles of Effective Parenting
* What the Heck is Wrong with Kids Today?

This first part provides an overall foundation for the remainder of the seminar series.

Part Two
Consisting of:

* Let\'s Focus on One Problem (Challenge) at a Time
* Problems or Challenges? Challenges, Challenges and More Challenges
* The Matter at Hand

This second part zeroes in on identifying and eliminating challenging behaviors from
your adolescent\'s life

Part Three
Consisting of:

* Just What is it We are \"Trying\" to Do?
* Rules for Making Rules
* Consequences, Consequences, Consequences

This third part centers on establishing and maintaining expectations and
consequences for your adolescent.

Part Four
Consists of:

* What Kind of Parent are You? ~ YOU ARE NOT A BAD PARENT!
* How You Parent Affects Your Adolescent - Absent, Authoritarian, Coercive,
Hyper-Responsible, Hypochondriac, Indulgent, Perfectionist, Permissive,
Punitive, Rejecting, Neglectful, Submissive

This fourth part focuses on your parenting style and its impact on your daughter or

And finally, Part Five
Consisting of:

* 40 Developmental Assets ~ Major drivers in your adolescent\'s lives.
* Assets, Assets, Who Has the Assets?
* Where Do We Go from Here?

This last part wraps up a look at building the developmental assets in your daughter
or son\'s life.

Each parent receives a handbook and when registering we will make certain that this
series is applicable to you.

I mean, how many times have you picked up a book, based on the cover, and then
gotten home only to realize that it does not really apply to you. The parenting
strategies and tactics presented at this five part series seminar are intended to be
for parents of adolescents who are particularly challenging. In order to convince us
that this seminar series fits your needs, we ask that you review these very basic

1. It\'s a few minutes after 1am on Saturday. Your daughter has just walked in the
door. You immediately know two things. First, she is over an hour past her
curfew. And second, it is apparent that she has either been drinking or using
drugs. The reek of marijuana is undeniable.

2. You are at work and your cell phone rings. Glancing at the clock, you have a
pretty good guess who is calling. It is about 8:45am. The time that the school
usually calls to find out why your son is not in school. You hesitate for a
moment, wondering if you should bother to answer. The school year is only a
little over a month old and you are already on a first name basis with the
principle and school counselor.

3. You are out at the mall with your daughter shopping for clothes. You had not
planned on going to the Mall, but when she got home from school, she started in
on you. After about an hour you realized that if you were going to get any
semblance of peace this evening, you had to make the time to take her shopping.
Once you entered the mall, you found yourself almost running to keep up with her.
It is almost like you are not even there ~ until it comes time to pay for her

4. You find yourself in the lobby of the local Juvenile Court waiting to go
before a Judge with your son. He isn\'t with you. He is still down in Detention
where they took him last night after he was picked up. They will bring him up
when they start doing the Detention Hearings. Sitting there, you don\'t know if
you can go through this again. You son is only thirteen, yet you must have been
in this exact same position at least nine or ten times before.

Sound familiar? If I still have your interest, this parent seminar series is for you!

Web Site =

Contact Details = Dore E. Frances
Horizon Family Solutions, LLC
1145 N.W. Knoxville Blvd.
Bend, Oregon 97701
Phone: (541) 312-4422
Fax: (541) 312-4420
~ email

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